I was not aware how catastrophic the situation is or quite how much we humans have managed to damage the ocean and its echo system. After watching the documentary below, I have began to do further research on "the great pacific garbage patch" and pollution in the ocean. This documentary created by Vice United States Garbage Island uncovers how, though not always visible, the pacific ocean holds horrific amounts of plastic and pollution. What is most startling, is that the water itself is such a high percentage in plastic, due to the millions and trillions of minute microscopic plastic particles that have broken down. These in turn are consumed by krill and plankton and then by larger fish and creatures, thus entering the food chain up until they are being served up on our plates. Another thing discussed in this documentary is ocean pollution and how it is causing havoc with ocean creatures genes. According to recent discoveries, 1 in 4 male sword fish now produce female eggs and hormones because of our pollution on their homes. This is something that I find both disturbing and terrifying, that we can impact on nature this badly.
While researching I found this recent article about a Dutch boy who thinks he's invented an answer to this problem, a way to clear the ocean in 5 years. This project is going to be a very current one as there is a lot going on around this subject at the moment.