Monday, 14 October 2013


Blackfish documents the capture and containment of Killer Whales in Sea World. There is a huge cover up to the treatment of these creatures and they are far more intelligent and highly emotionally charged then one would perhaps presume. It mainly focuses on the Killer whale Tilikum who has killed 3 trainers. Looks into the psychological effect of incasement on these giant creatures and reveals interviews with past trainers. The danger of holding something behind bars that is so powerful.
 Film Trailer
Relevant links
The Cove, 2009 documentary on the dolphin massacres taking place in Taiji, Japan. Protest against Japanese dolphin hunting and killing and for a change in Japanese fishing practises.  Shows the corruption in laws of whale and dolphin hunting. Over 20,000 dolphins are killed yearly, secretly driven round to a hidden cove and stabbed to death. The Cove is a blood bath. There is also claims that the fishermen are selling dolphin meat as whale meat, because dolphin is very high in mercury and therefore poisonous for human beings. Work will be created in response to this and Blackfish, as well as the great pacific garbage patch.